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Help CenterHostsHow to Navigate the Host DashboardHow do I change the parking availability for a home?

How do I change the parking availability for a home?

Last updated January 19, 2023

Hosts can change the parking availability for a PadSplit. To do so, log into your PadSplit Dashboard, go to the Properties tab and select the property you want to change the parking availability for. Next, click on “Edit Listing Details” located on the right side of the page and hover over “Edit” on the next page. Click on “Edit number of parking spots” and edit the availability accordingly. Then, you can select whether or not there is off-premise parking available for the property. When you’re finished making changes, select “Update” and your changes will be reflected on the PadSplit listing website. For a quick tutorial on changing the parking availability for a home, watch  this video .

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