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Help CenterHostsExploring PadSplitHow are responsibilities divided between PadSplit, the Host and the Member?

How are responsibilities divided between PadSplit, the Host and the Member?

Last updated January 19, 2023

PadSplit, Hosts and Members share in the responsibilities needed to keep our community running smoothly. Please refer to the chart below to see what PadSplit, Hosts and Members are responsible for.

What are hosts responsible for?

Marketing, Applications and ScreeningExclusive
Unit BookingExclusive
Move-in ExperiencePhone and chat support; 2nd point of escalation, product support, PadMate issuesExclusive: Move-in experience, instructions and access, 1st point of escalationAccess property and self-moves in
Payments and CollectionsExclusive
Member-to-Member DisputesExclusiveEscalates if observed
CleaningLight cleaning and periodic fresheningPrimary
Utilities and WiFiOnboard, troubleshoot and payCommits to use responsibly
On-the-ground Property Management (e.g. Maintenance)Exclusive
Membership TerminationsExclusive: Collections, rule violation, breaking member agreementCan report rule violations to PadSplit for actioning
Move-OutsInitiates conversation with former member, phone support for ownerExclusive
Evictions (rare)Provides initial guidance on preferred eviction vendorExclusive

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