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Help CenterStoryCreate story

Create story

Last updated March 1, 2024

Discovering a new story is always exciting! Let’s create a new story!

You can create a new story from the dashboard:

  1. Click on the 'New story' button in the top-right corner of the dashboard.
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  1. Once the story setting window opens, please enter the necessary information.
  • ‘Title’ and ‘category’ are mandatory fields!
  • All fields can be edited at any time, so feel free to write comfortably.

  1. Upload a cover image.
  • The cover image should be under 5mb.
  • We recommend a 2:3 aspect ratio for optimal display.
  • If the ratio is not right, the image may appear distorted!

  1. Add some tags to describe your story.
  • Besides the category, you can register tags to describe your work.
  • Enter words and press enter; you can register an unlimited number of tags.
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  1. Once you’ve done filling the details, click 'Create' button! The story will be created, and you'll be directed to the editor screen!
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  1. Now you can start writing your story :)
Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 2.28.04 PM


Q. How many stories can I create?

You can create an unlimited number of stories. Unleash your imagination! 🙂

Q. The work cannot be registered with saying ‘The title is already in use’.

You can't create a work with the same name 😭 Try adding numbers before or after the title and register again!

 Edit story info   Delete story 

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