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Sign up

Last updated March 1, 2024

You can sign up for the service in two ways:

  1. Easy sign up with existing Google account
  2. Direct sign up in Sonovel

Easy Sign-up with Existing Google Account:

  1. Choose ‘Sign up with Google’ on the sign-up page.
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  1. Sign in to your Google account.
Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 7.02.55 PM
  1. Agree to the terms.
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  1. Sign-up process complete!
Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 7.09.28 PM

Direct Sign-up in Sonovel:

For direct sign-up, you need to verify your email for successful use.

  1. Choose "Sign up with email" on the sign-up page.
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  1. Enter your email and password for registration.
Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 7.12.06 PM
  1. After registration, an authentication email will be sent.
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  1. Check your inbox, authenticate the email.
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  1. After authenticating email successfully, the sign-up process would be completed.
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Q. I haven't received the verification email.

Please check all your email folders, including spam, promotions, and social folders. If there's not, please try again with 'Resend verify mail' button.

Q. The verification email has expired.

After sending the email, the link is invalidated after a certain period for the security of your account. Please try again with 'Resend verify mail' button.

Q. Login credentials have expired.

Account verification requires you to be logged in. Please follow the instructions, enter your password to log in, and proceed.

 Log in   Reset password 

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