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What information is required to be in the Excel spreadsheet?

Last updated April 18, 2024

What information is required to be in the Excel spreadsheet?

To initiate a collection and have the necessary information to transmit in the Excel table, you just need to follow the following steps:

1-Create an account on the  Respaid platform .

2-Then, once the account has been created and finalized, you can  download here  the template of the Excel table (containing all the necessary information) to recover and implement it properly filled from your Respaid interface by clicking on "Start a recovery".

(Required format: .xcel ; .xls ; .xltx)

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What information is required to be in the Excel spreadsheet?
What information is required to be in the Excel spreadsheet?

Civil status → Mr | Mrs

Full name* → Format "Nom Propre" ex: First name Last name

Postal address* → "Proper name" format ex: 1, rue de la Paix 75002 Paris in a single line

Company name (leave blank if individual) → "UPPERCASE" format

Debtor's EIN number → "Number" format ex: 123456897

Email*→ Email format | Without spaces or other characters ex: 

Mobile number→ International format preferred ( +33 6 12 34 56 78 )

Company issuing invoice* (invoicing entity) → "UPPERCASE" format

Address of your company*(billing entity) → "Proper Name" format

Invoice number* (if more than one, separate references with ",") → "Text" format

Issue date* (if several, date of 1st invoice issued) → "dd/mm/yyyy" format

Case of multiple invoices for a customer: it's best to have one line per customer to avoid sending multiple notifications per customer. Otherwise, Respaid teams will merge the data.

Description of invoiced service*→ "Text" format

Invoiced amount incl. VAT* (if more than one: total incl. VAT) → "Number" format

Down payments made* (if 0$: enter 0) → Format "Number

Amount due* (automatic calculation) → "Number" format

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📌In order to proceed with collection or recovery, we need to ensure that all information on the debtor, creditor and debt is complete. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

📌It is imperative that the seniority date is less than two and a half years from the date of transmission of the file, beyond this limit, the application will not be taken into consideration.

📌Debtor with multiple invoices : when a debtor has several unpaid invoices, we've adopted a simple but effective method for organizing this information: a single line to represent each debtor, and separate the references of the different invoices with a comma (,).

For example, if a debtor has three unpaid invoices with references "FAC001", "FAC002" and "FAC003", you record this information in a single line dedicated to the debtor concerned. The dedicated column for invoices numbers will then contain "FAC001, FAC002, FAC003", clearly indicating the unpaid invoices associated with this debtor.

📌Why is it essential to adhere to the debt table format, and why can no internal modifications be made by the Respaid team?

When it comes to recovering unpaid debts, it is crucial to ensure the accuracy and integrity of information related to receivables. The standardized format of the receivables table is designed to ensure accurate and consistent transmission of information regarding the debts.

📌Avoiding risks of errors in the information:

The Respaid team specializes in debt collection or recovery and possesses considerable expertise in this field. However, we do not have in-depth knowledge of the individual debts held by each company. Each debt may have specific details and peculiarities that are known only to the company itself, such as exact amounts, applied interests, and more.

By requesting companies to make necessary adaptations themselves, we ensure that detailed and accurate information are correctly reflected in the the receivables table.

On the other hand, in order to enrich our customer experience, we invite you to answer a few questions during the insertion of the Excel file. This is to better respond to debtors. This step will only be necessary for your first file insertion.

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