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Booking a Room
Booking a Room
Once approved as a member, you can find a home and book. Check out these helpful resources.
Can I book any room at PadSplit?
What should I know about signing a minimum commitment at PadSplit?
Will my room have a closet?
Do homes have cable? Can I have cable installed?
Are PadSplits handicap accessible?
When do I get my address and move-in details for my PadSplit?
Can I see a room before I move in?
Can I reserve the room that I’m interested in?
What if none of the current locations work for me?
Are there rooms with private bathrooms?
Do you allow pets?
Are couples allowed to share a room? Can I have a roommate?
Are PadSplit homes open to children (kids)?
How much will it cost to move-in?
When can I move in?
What does it mean if a room requires additional approval by the host?