Help CenterEditor and TemplatesAdd forms in the emailHow to add validation to a text input field in the AMP form?

How to add validation to a text input field in the AMP form?

Last updated July 14, 2024

Adding Validation to a text field question can be useful if you wish to alert respondents about questions they may have missed, or they can be used to solicit a specific kind of answer from respondents. This could be a length count restriction, email validation, number range validation or custom response validation  using regular expression (aka regex) .

For e.g. in the screenshot below, you can see different types of validation option added to the form fields.

In this article, we will walk through the step by step guide on how to add validation to a text field in the AMP form.

Steps to add validation to a text field

You need to add a text input field in the AMP form as a prerequsitie for this guide.

Step 1 -> Select the input field and click on the gear icon in the flyout

How to add validation to a text input field in the AMP form?

Step 2 -> In the general tab of the settings modal, select the type of input field and define the validation criteria for the same. Depending upon the type of field selected, relevant validation option will be provided.

How to add validation to a text input field in the AMP form?

Step 2.1 -> For text field, you can either use the length of characters or a regex pattern as the validation crtieria for the text response.

  • In case of specific length, you need to provide the min and max character count
How to add validation to a text input field in the AMP form?
  • In case of matching regex, you need to provide a valid regex value for pattern validation. You need to provide  JavaScript based regex value . For e.g. in the example below, we are entered the regex pattern for a LinkedIn profile URL i.e. ^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?linkedin\.com\/in\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\/?$

Please note AMP for Email doesn't support all the capability JS regular expression. So, please make sure to test your regex validation via an actual email before sending the campaign to your audience. For e.g. the following regex won't work in the AMP form even though it is valid JS regex Invalid -> ^(https?://)?(www.)?[a-zA-Z0-9-]+/?$ To make the above regex work in AMP form, you will need to add additional escape character to fix the issue with forward slash "/": Valid -> ^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?linkedin\.com\/in\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\/?$

How to add validation to a text input field in the AMP form?

Here are some tools for your reference to create and validate regex pattern to use them in Mailmodo:  ChatGPT  or  Google Bard  -> Give a prompt to create regex (For e.g. To generate LinkedIn URL use the prompt "Give a JS regex for LinkedIn Profile URL with escaped character added to the pattern") In case your are getting error in Mailmodo for the regex value, use the below tool to identify the error and fix the issue:  Regex Validator  -> Set Flavor to ECMAScript (JavaScript) and Set Regex Option to Vnicode. See the screenshot below

Regex Tool

Step 2.2 -> For number field, you can define the minimum and maximum value for the field

How to add validation to a text input field in the AMP form?

Step 3 -> Click on Save changes to complete the setup.

Step 4 -> That's it. Now you can test your response validation in preview mode or send a test email / campaign to yourself.

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