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An explanation on how coins are sorted when using the 'any coin' scanner
Build Advanced Trading Strategies with Coinrule. A Walk-through some commonly asked questions about rule logic
How are Crossing events calculated/interpreted by the Rule Engine?
Compare the current value of an indicator to the previous value for more flexibility with indicators
Read how we calculate price values for Trailing Buys/Sells on Coinrule
'Within x time period' calculation and closed candles
Understand how price increase working with multiple coins
Breakdown of rule persistence logic to ensure rules keep running even when errors occur
If you close a position outside of Coinrule, the system takes it into account
A guide to comparing the previous value of a candle's open, high, low or closed price
This article explains how the 'no more than once per x' feature works
Understanding "From That Level" in Coinrule
What is an anchor period?