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Marketplace FAQ

Last updated November 3, 2024

The strategies in the marketplace are offered by independent traders not connected to Coinrule Inc. or any other Coinrule entities. No information in the marketplace constitutes investment advice. Coinrule does not take any liability for rule performance. For more info:  Terms of Use 

Once I buy a strategy on the Marketplace, how do I deploy it to my account?

After purchasing a strategy from the Coinrule Marketplace, you can deploy it to your account, add funds and initiate its launch. Once launched, you have the flexibility to re-launch the strategy multiple times according to your preferences.

Can I change certain variables in the strategy, such as Trade Size, Exchange or Base coin?

Trade Size: Certainly! Once you launch the strategy, you have the flexibility to modify the Trade Size according to your desired value.

Exchange: The current version of the Coinrule Marketplace (MVP), strategies can only be launched on the same Exchange where they were tested. This limitation exists because strategies are configured to trade specific trading pairs, and there is no assurance that the same trading pair will be available on other exchanges.

Base Coin: At the moment, it is not possible to change the Base Coin within the strategy.

Can I purchase a rule from the marketplace while on a free plan?

While the marketplace offers a variety of rules to enhance your trading experience, only users with a paid subscription (i.e Investor, Trader or Fund) can purchase and activate these rules. If you're on a free plan, you'd need to upgrade to a paid plan to access this feature and take full advantage of the marketplace offerings.

What happens if the rule uses features that my plan does not support?

While marketplace rules can only be purchased by users with a paid subscription plan. It is important to note that regardless of the indicators utilized by a marketplace strategy, you can still purchase and run it on a paid subscription, even if your plan does not support those specific features.

Does the marketplace strategy card show profit/growth with fees included?

Yes, exchange fees are included in the profit and growth shown on the marketplace strategy card.

I want to know more data about a strategy

At the moment, the Coinrule Marketplace is in its initial phase (MVP), and in the future, sellers will have the ability to provide additional information about their strategies. However, please note that all strategies available in the marketplace undergo a thorough selection process, manual verification, and backtesting.

How do I know if my strategy is running?

After launching your marketplace strategy on Coinrule, the rule engine continually evaluates the specified conditions. As long as there are no errors, the engine will assess the market according to the predefined rule conditions. It's important to note that certain strategies may not be designed to run frequently and may only trigger a few times throughout the year. Therefore, even if you don't see immediate or frequent activity, the rule is actively monitoring and evaluating the market based on its defined conditions.

You can also reach out to our support team via  for further assistance. They will provide you with accurate information about your strategy's status and help you troubleshoot any problems you may be experiencing.

How can I apply to sell my strategy on the Marketplace?

To apply to sell your strategy on the Coinrule Marketplace, you need to fill out the submission template provided via  this link 

How can I find out more information about sellers?

In the future, we will have more details about sellers in user profiles on the marketplace.

Is Marketplace available on the mobile app?

Yes it is available. However, it is not available on older versions of the mobile app. In that case, you might need to update your installed app to the latest version. Alternatively, if you experience any issues here, you can uninstall the app and re-download it.

How can I cancel my marketplace strategy subscription?

To cancel your marketplace strategy subscription, follow the steps below:

1. Visit the  marketplace 

2. Click on the strategy you wish to cancel, then navigate to "cancel subscription"

3. Click on 'cancel subscription' and your marketplace strategy would be cancelled immediately.

For strategies purchased through a one-time purchase, you will not find an option to cancel a subscription, as these are not recurring transactions. See example below

Happy Trading!

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